COVID-19 Information

Current COVID-19 Status Updates

Given the COVID-19 crisis, this page will be maintained as a hub for all Time Warp related COVID precautions and updates for as long as necessary.

  • Current store hours are regular hours. As our about page mentions, these are 11-6 Sunday, 10-6 Monday and Saturday, and 10-7 Tuesday-Friday.
  • Delivery and car pickup are available. If you want either of these options, call us at 303-443-4500 or email us at
  • New comics are shipping from all publishers, but expect at least some strangeness on ship dates. If you saw a ship date more than 3 or 4 months ago, there are good chances it has changed at least a bit.
  • Commonly used surfaces are disinfected at least daily. This includes counters, door handles, pens, keyboards, mice, sink handles, etc.
  • Disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer are available at the front counter, and in the bathroom.
  • Masks are REQUIRED in store. That means masks over mouth and nose, not mask over chin or just mask over mouth. This is a hard and fast rule, both by law and for the health and safety of our customers and staff.
  • Maximum occupancy is reduced. In general, Time Warp is spacious enough to allow for all customers to shop without needing to ask customers to wait, but staff may ask you to wait at the front for a second on particularly busy days.
  • Social distancing is strongly recommended. A perfect 6 foot bubble is hard to maintain, but we ask that all customers do their best to keep that distance. Tape lines spaced at 6 or more feet apart are kept on the carpet to help people measure social distance.
  • Free Comic Book Day has been changed into Free Comic Book Summer. FCBD books are in store now and free to customers.
  • In-store Magic events are cancelled for the foreseeable future. Sanctioned play is cancelled in the entire United States, and we at Time Warp are unwilling to risk our players’ health to go against Wizards’ wishes.
  • DC switched to using its own distributor during the pandemic. Because of this, most older DC paperbacks and hardcovers are out of stock. We’ll do our best to get you any book by trading with other stores, but this is slower and less certain than our usual way of special ordering books.