DINK 2018 tickets are available at Time Warp!

DINK, Denver’s Independent Comics and Art Expo, is almost here! DINK is undoubtedly one of the best places to be in Colorado for comics fans of every sort. This year’s lineup includes heavy hitters like Jeff Lemire, Joe Kelly, James O’Barr, and Matt Kindt, as well as local favorites like Amy Reeder, Morgan Beem, and Jorge Corona! DINK is the place to be to meet plenty of new creators as well! Speaking from experience, the show is an absolute joy to attend.

We at Time Warp are selling a limited supply of special retailer tickets to DINK 2018 at a discount price of $20 for the entire weekend! If you want to come to DINK this year (and you do!), come and get your hands on one of these passes while you can.

Time Warp will be tabling at DINK, so we’ll see you all there!

Author: A.J. Kazlouski

A.J. Kazlouski reads comics, watches cartoons, and writes. Otherwise, he's here to help. You can talk to him about Spider-Man on Twitter @AJKazlouski.