Mild delay in new comics this week 3/6/2019

Hey there Time Warp family, we wanted to keep you informed about the status of this week’s new comics.

Due to weather delays with our shipment from Diamond, we’re getting a late start on our work with new books this week. Books will be available on Wednesday, but we will likely have some more work to do in the morning–if it doesn’t inconvenience you, come in around lunchtime or later in the afternoon when we’re more likely to have finished up our essential work with the new books.

We’re sorry for the news, but we promise we’re doing our best to get everything set up for you all as soon as we possibly can! If you want to know what our status is before you make your trip to visit us on Wednesday, feel free to give us a call: 303-443-4500.

Thank you!

Author: A.J. Kazlouski

A.J. Kazlouski reads comics, watches cartoons, and writes. Otherwise, he's here to help. You can talk to him about Spider-Man on Twitter @AJKazlouski.